News - GoBatumi



Open the door to any family house in this beautiful part of Georgia and you will unavoidably encounter captivating, exceptional hospitality and the goodwill of the Georgian people. 300.000 hosts are eager to welcome you any time of the year and surround you with the warmth of local spirit, fragrance of homemade dishes, creaking wooden floor and early crow of the neighbour’s fowl and chirp of the birds. 

Here you can learn about the local culture, and ethnographic characteristics, try your hand at carpentry or masonry, make musical and work tools, pick your skills in sewing and embroidery. bicycle tours, rock climbing, hunting, and fishing are popular here too, as well as sightseeing of numerous local attractions in Adjara.

You can also have your master-class in Adjarian dance performed in the traditional attire which is a feast for the eyes while Adjarian music will help you get your groove on. Compared to other Georgian dance styles, the Adjarian is distinguished by its cheerfulness and improvisation. This region will keep you excited. 

Become the part of the Georgian Supra and listen to the master of the feast - Tamada. The traditional feast that has no equivalent around the world and the culture of toasting does exist in many cultures; however, the Georgian "Tamada" or toastmaster has no parallel. The role of the Tamada is to lead the Supra. The Tamada is considered to be the most honorable member of a traditional Georgian Supra. 

The ideal Tamada is well educated, has extensive knowledge of Georgia’s history and culture, is eloquent, is sociable, has a good sense of humor and has musical ability. The Tamada should be able to lead a series of toasts on a variety of topics. He should also be able to entertain guests with poems, songs and interesting stories. The Georgian Supra is a fundamental element of Georgian identity, which is why the tradition has been preserved to this very day.

Feel the authenticity, get in touch with nature, find the parts of yourself scattered all around the foreign land. Mountains call you!
