News - GoBatumi
Lithuanian journalists suggest travelers visit Adjara

Lithuanian journalists suggest travelers visit Adjara

Top rated Lithuanian Medias suggest travelers go to Adjara. “Warm sea, unique architecture and historical monuments, amazing Botanical Garden and fantastic Adjarian cuisine”- starts its article the online edition “”, which, along with the article, shares a travel video and beautiful photos of Adjara.

Just like the online publication, high-rated Lithuanian TV companies – “Rytas TV” and „ LNK TV “show vast video reports about Adjara tourism products. They are mainly regarding Batumi, which from year to year, due to its tourist attractions, nature, cuisine and hospitality, becomes more and more attractive for the foreign visitors.

“Batumi is waiting for Lithuanian tourists” – is the title of another article, published by the online edition „Lietuvos zinios”. “If you decide to wander in summer, you won’t regret going to Batumi – the Black Sea Pearl in Georgia. Elder people will discover it again, a little changed and even more beautiful. As for youth, they find the city diverse and interesting”, says the article.

The Lithuanian journalists visited Adjara, at the invitation of the Adjara Tourism Department, in June. Besides reports and articles, the popularization of Adjara tourism potential in Lithuania is carried out by outdoor and online advertising and by introducing the region at the Vilnius International Tourism Fair.

Published materials: - Rytas Tv

LNK TV - Lietuvos zinios
