

Batumi is one of the most distinguished tourist destinations on the Black Sea. Batumi's juxtaposition of ancient and modern architecture, its historical port, serene botanical garden, Seaside Boulevard, European squares and streets - not to mention its world-class hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars - make up the face of modern Georgia.

It is important to note that in 2012 American Academy of Hospitality Sciences nominated Batumi as the best tourist destination of the year.

In the second half of the 20th century European architects flocked to Batumi and designed numerous unique architectural designs. Development of Batumi was closely connected with the global economic and industrial development. During this period Nobel Brothers and Rothschild family started their commercial activities (businesses) in Batumi.

Batumi today is still distinguished by modern architecture and abundance of investments. In addition, modern Batumi is a cultural centre in Georgia hosting numerous international festivals with participation of famous musicians and artists.
