International Children’s Day together
Entertainment 12:00

International Children’s Day together

Let's celebrate International Children’s Day together!
Concerts and show programs for children will be held on this day. The audience will be musically entertained by following studios: Blue Ballerinas, Sakhe, Lale, Limpopo, Harmonia, Nizhara, Chveni Sakhli, Duli-Luli, Children of the Sea, Babilina and Basti-bubu.
Meanwhile, there will be different types of entertainment and computer games organized; Photo stands and playgrounds with sand will be arranged, and of course there will be gifts and surprises for children.

Date: 01/06/2019
Time: 12pm
Venue: Central Park of Batumi
Tel.: +995 555 366 399

Website: www.bart.ge
E-mail: info@bart.ge
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events


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