News - GoBatumi
Ukrainian journalists prepare reports about Ajara

Ukrainian journalists prepare reports about Ajara

Ukrainian Journalists are preparing TV reports about Ajara. The camera crews of the popular Ukrainian TV channels “1+1” and “UA-First” have been visiting Ajara at the invitation of the Tourism Department. They study the tourism potential of the region.

The Journalists have already recorded the masterclasses of preparing Ajarian khachapuri, general tourist attractions in Batumi, folklore and tourism products of the mountainous Ajara. They are also preparing reports about the novelties and preparation activities for the tourist season. The journalists met the head of the Tourism Department, Sulkhan Ghlonti, who introduced them to the new projects of 2018.

“Last year, about 500 journalists, bloggers and tourist agents visited the region.  In the current year, we continue to promote Ajara on mass medias of our target countries. International media takes an interest in our region and, certainly, each article, report or program prepared by them arises interest towards our Ajara and generally our country. This time, we are hosting Ukrainian journalists. They represent very popular TV companies and will provide our potential tourists with the reliable and qualitative reports. Of course, we will continue to organize the press and info tours from our target countries”, said the head of the Tourism Department, Sulkhan Ghlonti.
